Our Purpose

The purposes of the Society are to operate exclusively as a charitable institution (without profits to its members) for the purpose of providing arts-based wellness activities to women in the Downtown Eastside community who experience violence and other forms of marginalization.

Provide a safe space…

For anyone who identifies and lives full time as a woman, including trans, two spirit and intersex women and or those who identify with a femme of centre non-binary gender, to access arts-based activities and events.

Provide workshops…

For community art arts-based skill and capacity-building for women who are marginalized and who struggle with low-incomes, as well as wellness activities.

Support women…

In developing meaningful peer relationships and community connections through art and arts-based activities.

Provide opportunities…

And space for women to market their wares.

To do…

All such things as are necessary for attaining the purposes of the society.

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